Visa Information

Under Australia’s universal visa system all visitors to Australia must have a valid visa to travel to and enter Australia (other than New Zealand passport holders who will normally be granted a Special Category visa on arrival, provided they meet health and character requirements; and permanent residents of Norfolk Island who may be granted a Permanent Resident of Norfolk Island visa on arrival).

There are many visa options available to people wishing to visit Australia. The appropriate visa option will depend. amongst other things, on the
person’s purpose for visiting Australia.

Visitor Visas

As a participant/attendee

If you are planning to visit Australia to attend a business event such as a conference, seminar, trade fair or expo as a participant or an attendee (that is, you will not be working, entertaining, or being paid to contribute), you may be eligible for one of the following Visitor visas:

  • Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) (subclass 601)
  • Visitor (subclass 651)
  • Visitor visa (subclass 600) in the Business Visitor stream

You must not be intending to:

  • work for or provide services to a business or organisation in Australia or
  • sell goods or services to the Australian public

Further information about the specific requirements of Visitor visas is available on the Department’s website.

Temporary Activity Visa (subclass 408)

Note: To apply for a Temporary Activity visa you must make an online visa application through lmmiAccount. If you do not already have an lmmiAccount, you will need to create one. To login to lmmiAccount or to create an account refer to the Department’s website.

As a speaker, presenter, exhibitor or other contributor

Activity type: Invited for other social/cultural activity 

If you have been invited to participate in the event by an Australian organisation and you are contributing to the event, for example: as a speaker,
presenter, or exhibitor, you may be eligible for the Temporary Activity visa as an ‘Invited Participant’.

If you apply from outside Australia and intend to stay in Australia for three months or less, you do not need to be sponsored for this visa. However, you
must provide a letter of invitation from the individual or organisation in Australia responsible for the event, which identifies:

  • you (as the visa applicant) and any family members travelling with you
  • the events, activity or work you will be involved
  • the duties in relation to events, activity or work you will be involved
  • the date/s, location/s of the event/s activity or work.

Visa options for conferences, seminars, trade fairs or expos – Version Feb 2017 / 3.

To apply for this visa as an ‘Invited Participant’, please select the following Activity type: Invited for other social/cultural activity on page 2 of the online application form.

Further information about the specific requirements of the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) is available on the Department’s website. Requirements to obtain a Letter of invitation from the organising committee.

Delegates must meet the following criteria to obtain an invitation letter:

  • Have paid the full conference registration fee.
  • Be listed as an author of an accepted abstract or paper.
  • Have an email address from an institution, as personal addresses like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. are not accepted.

The following documents will be required by the conference organisers to facilitate the provision of an invitation letter:

  • High-quality scans of your passport
  • Full name exactly as it appears on the passport
  • Contact details, including phone numbers, email ids, and residential addresses
  • Details on their organisation, including the name or the organisation, office address, the country in which it operates, and the position they hold

General Information For Visa Applicants

Applying for a Visa

Visa application forms are available on the Department’s website and many applications can be lodged online. Details about how to apply are included in the information about the particular visa you wish to apply for. A list of visas is available on the Department’s website.

Health and character requirements

All visa applicants must be assessed against Australia’s health and character requirements. These requirements are designed to protect the safety and
security of the Australian community.

Health Requirements

As part of the visa application process, you may be required to undertake a medical examination, chest x-ray and/or other health checks.
The Department will advise you of the applicable health checks (if any), based on your individual circumstances. Information on health checks which
may apply to you is available on the Department’s website.

Character Requirements

As part of your visa application, you might be required to provide a police clearance certificate or other evidence to satisfy character requirements. Information about character requirements and police certificate requirements is available on the Department’s website.

Requirements for applicants under 18 years of age

Visa applicants who are under 18 years of age may be required to satisfy additional criteria to ensure that their interests are protected and that
Australia meets its international obligations in relation to minors.

Information about documents that may be required for persons younger than 18 years of age is available on the Department’s website.

Please refer to the following forms listed on the Department’s website.

  • Form 1229- Consent form to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years
  • Form 1257 – Undertaking declaration

General information for visa applicants – Version Feb 2017 2.

Biometrics collection

If you are lodging a visa application in a selected location, regardless of your nationality, you may need to provide your biometrics in relation to your
visa application, unless exempt. Information about Biometrics collection is available on the Department’s website.

Creating an ImmiAccount

ImmiAccount is a single point of entry into the Department’s online visa services, information about lmmiAccount is available on the Department’s website.

Visa processing times

Information about visa processing times is available on the Department’s website.

Immigration clearance requirements

On arrival in Australia, you must identify yourself, present your travel documents and complete an Incoming Passenger Card (IPC), The IPC requires
travellers to declare their health status and any prior criminal convictions (amongst other declarations). If you do not meet immigration clearance
requirements, you may be refused entry to Australia. Information about Australia’s Immigration clearance processes is available on the Department’s

Obligations of visa holders

You must comply with your visa validity and visa conditions while in Australia. When you receive your Australian visa, you are issued with a visa grant
notice that explains the conditions or your visa (including your approved period of stay in Australia and your entry requirements). Your visa may be
cancelled if you breach any of the conditions of your visa. You are advised to carry your visa grant notice when travelling for your own reference.
lf your visa expires while you are still In Australia, you will become an unlawful non-citizen and may be detained and removed from Australia. You may
also be subject to an exclusion period. which could prevent you from re-entering Australia.

Travel sanctions

For information on countries subject to travel sanctions, please refer to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (OFAT) website. Nationals of
these countries may not be permitted to travel to and enter Australia.
